

New computer.

My dad bought me a computer for my birthday and one of the things I want to do with it, is get back into writing blog posts and be able to actually my blog design. Before I was very limited on what I could do because I was using an iPad. I couldn't even figure out a way to add a widget for social media using the iPad but now I shouldn't have any problems. The other thing the computer is for is so that I can use it as my TV too. I still need to purchase an actual TV that can double as a computer monitor. Right now I'm just using my old monitor and it's fine for using the computer itself to watch shows but our apartment is supposed to have cable TV in it but we don't have a cable box yet so no TV service yet in here. Once I get the cable box and a TV, I can hook my TiVo up and I'll be one happy Tricia.

Some posts that I want to write are:

-bathroom storage ideas.
        -Our bathroom is small. You walk in and to your right is a toilet and a pedestal sink and they're close together and nearly touch the walls on the sides. Across from them is the shower and there's no tub. There's also two doors so I can't even put a hamper against a wall. I want to write a post on what I've done to store things that I can't store in there.
travel toiletries.
        -We're flying to Chicago on July 6th and we're only doing carry on luggage so we have to figure out how to bring enough products that are in liquid form to last us 4 nights and 5 days.

-favorite products.
        -I have a few products that I've been using and love but they're things people might not realize are awesome. I also don't mean cosmetic products or any type of consumable product. I mean like a storage bin or something else you use long term.

I think that's all I've got. So I want to say I'm back finally but no promises. It's been a while since I've typed any sort of blog post on a regular basis.

Any ideas on what you'd like to see here in the future?

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