

It's my birthday!!!!!

We're on our way to Sea World for my birthday. And we've got a hotel tonight in Orlando. It's our favorite hotel, Holiday Inn Express. I don't know what else we're doing in Orlando. We might see Civil War again at either unversial or at Disney springs (used to be called downtown Disney). We might also go to a mall, I wanted a new bra for my birthday and so we can go to Victoria's Secret and get one or two there. Maybe some new pretty underwear too. 

When we get back home tomorrow I'll take a picture of presents and cards. But for now here's a picture of the best card ever. 

It's from Jacie and Dean and their son (my future nephew) Mason. 

Maybe I should blur my birth year out so no one knows how old I am. 

In other news hopefully when I get back to work I can start my pharmacy training again. It's been two weeks since I did anything with it. I was sick and then this week I only worked Sunday to Tuesday. Sunday is tags and then front register. Monday was front register because someone else was on vacation and then deliveries. Tuesday was supposed to be floor working on truck but then the photo person had to go to Miami for something so I was in photo but then the front person went home and I was up front 12-3 and then did deliveries. Luckily my store manager got the deliveries ready and one of the shift leads went to two places and I went to 3. But the third person wasn't home. 

Then I am on a five day vacation so hopefully Monday will resume my training. I thought I was going for my pharmacy certification. To do that I have to go to classes and have books, books that get ordered through the store. But I asked my store manager about it but he said he's not having me do the certification and I'm just getting registered. I asked J about it and he said it's not his choice that I have to do the certification for the designated hitter program and that even if I'm just getting registered that I would still need to take the classes and have the books. So I'm just going to talk to my pharmacy manager about it. 

I didn't paint my nails for my birthday but I brought everything with me so that I can paint my nails later. 

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