

Lake Worth weekend.

We're in Lake Worth this weekend for the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival. It's the 21st year and I think I went every year from about 1998-2006? They shut down the streets of downtown Lake Worth for 2-3* days one weekend in February. And then they "paint the streets". Artists are assigned a section and they draw with chalk. Some artists take the full 2 days to finish their drawing. Others finish the first day. Some weekends it rains during the night and the drawings are ruined or messed up slightly. If they're ruined completely, some artists will just start drawing something completely different from the day before. I've always loved going and am excited to be showing it all to J now. I love the downtown area here too. And things have changed so much since I was there last so it'll be fun seeing the changes too. 

Lake Worth is also awesome at having that small town vibe despite being close to everything you need. Except IKEA. There is not an IKEA in Palm Beach County. They have something going on almost every month if not more often. 

I brought the camera so I'll be taking lots of pictures. I might need to buy batteries tomorrow though. 

*they shut the streets down Friday evening and some artists will start working on Friday nights. It's usually people that have a solid background color in their design and they'll paint their section the background color instead of using a ton of chalk in one color for the background. 

I brought some nail polishes with me and I hope to paint my nails tonight because they are naked and it's weird. Lol. I brought like 10 Rainbow Honey polishes with me. I couldn't decide on one color. J asked me if I needed a travel case for my nail polishes. And the answer is yes of course. Even if I end up not using anything, I still bring everything with me. There was a time when I would bring every color I own but now I own way too many to bring them all with me. 

So now I "have" to online shop for the travel case I want.

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