Once again, we only rode one ride. We figure we'll ride all the rides by the end of our year. Lol. This time we rode the water ride, Congo River Rapids and got soaked. Then it started pouring down rain so it didn't really matter. We were going to watch the elephant show and even got there early so we could be first but after the rain, they didn't come out. It had stopped raining by the time of the show's start time but I guess there was still some nearby lightening and that they can't come out until the lightening has passed. So next time we go, we're going to try to watch the elephant show!
Here's a few pictures of the animals I took this time. 

I tried getting a picture of the cougar because he (she?) has a tail like Binx and Sylar... But he kept wanting to walk out of my picture. So here's a picture of his tail. Lol. Which is what I wanted so I guess it's okay.
I walked away and went past another window and was able to get a full body picture.
You can kind of see the otters. Lol. The one in that last picture was hard to photograph because it kept swimming in circles. I love the otters though and could just stand there for hours watching them swim and play. My dad used to take me to the Dreher Park zoo (it has a different name now, Palm Beach Zoo) and we would stand there watching the otters for quite a while. We stood at their exhibit the longest every time. This reminds me I need to email my dad back and I can also send him otter pictures!
There are a few stores there that I really love. Xcursions, Nature's Kingdom and Painted Camel Bazaar are my current favorites. Since we get free parking and aren't buying a ticket every time, I let myself buy a "souvenir" each time. A few years ago I bought an ornament that had the year on it. I found a picture of it on my phone!! I also have a few other pictures from that day on my phone but I'll put them a separate post because there's probably too many pictures in this post already.
My new "thing" right now is I have to all the things in the world that has a jellyfish on it. Why? Because J called me a jellyfish a few months ago and I loved it so now I'm his jellyfish and I need all the things. Soooo when I saw this...
I had to have it. It's a glass jellyfish. And is green. aaaaaaand it glows in the dark. There were other colors and they came in 2 sizes. Small and large? Lol. This was the small one and there and there was a large one in pink and I looked all over for a small pink one and didn't see it. So I went with green over the other colors. Theeeeeen we went in another store and they had a small pink one. J told me to buy it but I didn't want to spend the money. My mental limit for what I can spend isn't more than what we save on parking. So $17 roughly. But I did buy something else that day. So I think I spent $30? I bought a key charm for my necklace. The top part is a mood (like a mood ring!) heart. I figure next time we go, I'll buy the pink one if they still have it.
We went home after that. I think next time we go, we might start buying Christmas gifts. There's a few things we have our eye on for family.
Maybe next time we'll ride 2 rides.
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