Jacie- here's some never before seen photos from Halloween/thanksgiving.
So I went to Lake Worth for about 24 hours to see my parents and brother and basically pick up Christmas presents. Lol. And my dad bought pretty much everything I sent him links for! One of those items was an SD card reader that plugs into the iPad and that is where the omg comes from. Cause it is the best invention ever. Lol well for right now. Last year it was the TiVo that my dad bought and the iPad J bought. In 2000 it was the first TiVo my dad bought me. Basically the best invention ever changes. Lol.... So for 2013 it is the card reader. I've misplaced the camera/computer cord and the SD slot on my computer doesn't always work so I'm not the greatest in the world at transferring photos from the camera to anything. They will sit on the camera for months and months until I eventually sit at the computer and do something. It took me a year or so to put our Alaska pictures on facebook for that reason. So yeah, omg! Here's some of the photos I have...
New Years resolutions?
I need to think of some. Get better at my nails? More nail art? Then the more serious or real ones like pay off more debt, move somewhere cheaper and get better at spending our money. I'll make a list at some point. I also want to buy a domain name and.…………… I forgot what else I was going to say.
I am at my dad's. I need to take a shower and then pack up the car with all my stuff. Luckily I have two large card boxes in my trunk that will be very helpful right now.
I remember! I want to try to do a 365 album again.
J's birthday!!
After he went golfing, I gave him his presents. Here they are all wrapped up.
The one with green paper and writing is Christmas paper because I was going to give it to him as his Christmas gift but after I had the newer purchased stuff in front of me to wrap, I realized that I needed to give that one as a birthday gift otherwise it would have been "uneven" in terms of price value. Lol. I was going to give him two video games for his birthday ($40 each) and a Hulk toy and then Hulk speakers (that's what's wrapped in Christmas paper), a framed picture of his family and a hulk shirt. Well then I decided to give him the toy, a video game and the speakers for his birthday plus the m&ms and the other video game, the hulk shirt and the picture for Christmas. Then I remembered that I had a hulk tervis tumbler for him too. So he got 4 gifts for Christmas and 3 for his birthday. Lol. The solid green paper is Christmas paper but he really likes the color green and it's solid green, no words or pictures on it so I figured it would be okay to use.
Anyways. After that we went to Square One to meet his family for lunch but minus his brother P. Here's some pictures I took today.
6 am.
It's 6 am!!!! Why the eff am I still awake? I took all the pills too. Well not all as in the grand total sum of how many I have. But I mean I took some of each kind. And I can't take the good one now because it'll probably have me sleeping until 2pm. But oh well I took it. It should hopefully have me knocked out soon. And then hopefully I can sleep through til when J comes home from golf. I have no idea what he wants us to do today. I don't know if he wants me to take him out to lunch or dinner. I told him to think about where he wants us to go to lunch at. So hopefully that means that he won't go out to eat with the boys. Which I know if he wants to and it comes up, I would hope at least that he asks me if I want to go or picks me up. I gave money to my credit cards.
I'm falling asleep here so I guess it's time to lay down and see if I sleep til 1143 am which is what I set my alarm for.
Is what I am.
I did my nails twice yesterday and took it all off twice. So today I've had no nail polish on. Sad face. But I got all kinds of goodies in the mail today. I got a New Years card from an online friend, some photo magnets and my star nail studs from the born pretty store! So I will probably do my nails tomorrow.
I don't know what we're doing for J's birthday on Saturday. Then Sunday and Monday I'm going to my dad's.
And for now... I'm going to lay down and hope that I fall asleep.
I'm cold.
I can feel the AC blowing on me and it feels really cold. Lol. I think that's all I gotta say. I vented on Wordpress. Work was super busy today. I hopefully made like $7 in PMs today. That'd be awesome. I did end up watching my show on Hulu before work. But my ride got here when there was 3 minutes left. Noooooo. So I still need to go watch the last 3 minutes. After my shower but before I paint my nails.
Ive had very little sleep tonight. Thinking I might just get up and get ready for work and take the dog out. And watch a show on Hulu. And start drinking my monster too.
New theme.
I have a new theme on my word press blog. Www.velvetfrogg.wordpress.com
It's pretty sweet.
If you're curious. I am in a lot of pain. Taking a lot of pills. Good night.
I added tags.
I'm going to use tags for my nail polish picture posts. I might turn this into a nail polish only blog and move the life/wedding stuff over to the wordpress blog. I might try to earn points with the bornprettystore by writing reviews and I have to also post on various forms of social media but I don't want to be annoying. So if I make this a nail only blog then I can use this identity that promotes the bornprettystore stuff. Along with my other nail polish stuff... Lol.
Good night. Must sleep.
Nail pictures.
I need to delete some pictures off my iPad and iPhone so I'm going to make a few posts that are heavy with pictures.
Car kit?
I read a blog post on a restaurant kit for babies and toddlers and she used a make up bag for it and I realized I had a travel bag that was very similar and that I wanted to try to make a car kit out of mine. I had bought it last year to use for Alaska but packed it before the trip. Our tickets were bought in January and we still thought we were going to move then so I was packing all our stuff up. We ended up never moving but I never unpacked the stuff either. So in May when it was time for our trip I forgot all about the perfect travel bag. This year I went through the box and found it and was like OH YEAH. I still think it is a good bag for travel but I am always in my car for deliveries and always need something and I have stuff all over my car. I haven't put anything in it yet but here's some pictures.
The front. It has a soap case, 2 spray bottles and 3 regular bottles. I think they're all 3 ounces which is the max size for carry on luggage. It unzips for this pocket and there's a little room for something flat here (wet wipes).
Then the back.
Here's the inside of the containers.
Here's the inside of the back. It has the main compartment which then has two zippered pockets. One is see through and the other isn't. There's a strong metal hook to hang it up in the bathroom when traveling and it's even in the right place so that the bottles on the other side aren't upside down. Which this is from Walgreens so I'm surprised they got this right. Lol. As for what I'm thinking I'll keep in here, I'm going to have napkins, wet wipes and hand sanitizer for sure. I already keep a little bar of soap in my car too so I'll have that in the soap case. But I almost always have a bottle of water or more in my car and at times I've been on deliveries and really would prefer to wash my hands. So I put the soap in there. And I ended up using it quite a few times!! Sometimes I would get dirty money or touch someone's door knob or hand when giving them their prescription and I get back in my car and think wow, I would like to wash my hands because they feel cleaner than with hand sanitizer or with wipes. And so I would, in a parking lot of an apartment building and would be pouring water out on my hands. It worked. I would feel cleaner after wards. I have forks in my center console because sometimes I need a fork at work and they could be kept in there now instead of getting in my way in my console. That's all I can think of. I wish I had a trip planned somewhere now so I could use it for that. Lol. Also we're planning on moving for real this time so I need to start packing. Sigh. I just dread it.
Santa suit nails.
I painted the base red and then drew on the white, black and the copper/gold on top. I should have done a white base then used tape and painted the red on. I think it would have looked better. The white is giving me problems at the tips. I think it's shrinking because of all the coats of top coat I used. The white is an old jet dry French tip white from loreal and is about 8 years old and when you use seche vite on dry nail polish, it shrinks. So I think that's what is happening on my tips. Insert sad face. I don't have a gold polish, just some glitter ones but they have other colors in them or the Sinful 24 karat one would be too pale. So I went with a copper color and it doesn't look that coppery like I thought. I really like the red for this and I like that it's sparkly like the belt buckle is and that the white and black are cremes. Over all I'm happy about how they look for my first attempt at Santa suit nail art.
Colors used: Sinful Red Eye, Sinful Black on Black, Loreal French tip white and Sally Hansen Chop Chop Chopper (I think ?)
Time to go check the mail.
It is December now...
Which means the new year is almost here. Which means that it's almost time to make a resolution list. I'm pretty sure I can't cross anything off of the one for 2013 but I'll have to look and see. Some of the things I know will be on 2014's list will include paying off some debt, reenrolling at fgcu and finishing my degree and improving on cleaning. I did a pretty good job at improving on that last one this year. But this house is too big and my health gets in the way of me cleaning it how I would prefer. Also the pets interfere with it a lot too. No matter what I do, their horrible bathroom habits get in the way. So next year we will hopefully be living in a smaller place with tile floors. Those two things will make the cleaning resolution easier to do. I also want to organize my stuff better. And this will probably require me to spend money on containers or a shelving unit. I will use what I have first though. I have the two while book cases and the bins that fit in the cubes but I don't really like them. I ended up throwing random stuff into the bins and nothing had a system. I would rather use one of the bookcases as an actual bookcase for my more recent books and my favorite old books. I also want to start reading again. I haven't read a book for a few months now. I was trying to read two books a month and I could start that this right now as I have a large stack of unread books.
I did a lot of cleaning today. Laundry, cleaning up pet poop, sweeping and mopping the floors. I ran out of the mop cleaning solution tonight though. Tomorrow I want to work on cleaning bathrooms. I also took out the garbage and recycling but forgot to take the big can to the street tonight. Oops.
I saw a blog post today about organizing a restaurant kit for babies and toddlers and she used a make up bag that has several zippered pockets. I have a travel kit very similar to her bag and now I'm brainstorming on what I can put in it. I bought it prior to our trip to Alaska but then had it packed away because I thought we were moving last year. And when it came time to pack for Alaska, I forgot all about it and so I never used it. And I still haven't used it. I think I could put together a car kit for me. I have all sorts of things I like to keep in my car to use when I'm at work or while on deliveries. And they all just sort of float around in the car and I have to search for it. Or I take it out and then need it in the car the following time I'm in my car.
I need to try to sleep now.
4 days!!!!!
I have four days off. I need to be excited for this and do so much stuff around the house. I'll make lists tomorrow. I need to clean, do some online shopping. I need to work on a little bit of packing. I need to do my nails and do some crafty. I have so much free time.
I also need to work on making this blog pretty looking. I need to work on other pages for it too. And maybe I'll finally purchase a domain name. I told J though he should buy me a domain name for Christmas. I also need to make my wordpress blog pretty too. I have a few pages there but I need some here. And I need to make tags so that everything can be in categories.
I need tags for pictures, medical, craft/DIY, nail polish, moving. I want to make an about me section page. And I need to decide what, if any, topics I want my two blogs to be about. Right now I just kind spew words on anything in my life on my both blogs. I started this one to talk wedding planning on here but then I like to ramble so I started rambling on here and now there's no wedding planning going on here.
I need to figure out what kind of light I need to be able to photograph my nails better. It's so hard to take good pictures, the phone always makes everything yellow looking. And even sitting in the rooms, it's hard to see and I can't even tell what colors are what because it looks dark and even yellow in person.
Insert lots of frustrating screams here.
I,need,to do some online shopping tomorrow. I need to do lots of cleaning this weekend. I also have two big empty boxes that I can pack stuff in. I wonder if there is any packing tape in the house.
I'm driving tomorrow to my doctors appointments and it's next door to a Walgreens so maybe I'll buy packing tape then.
I need to sleep.
Slightly optimistic?
Im slightly optimistic about the vinegar and baking soda in the hallway. At least on the odor part. It smells better and I only did small spots when it's like the entire hallway.
I painted my nails this light pale glitter gold color. It's from the sinful holiday display. I might do something still with some green polish. But not sure what. I kind of like the gold polish by itself. I didn't think I would. I only bought it because it's a Christmas color. I've been buying a lot of reds and golds just for that reason. I have a green and white glitter and a red and white glitter that I bought from a Sally Hansen display and was going to use the green and white glitter but then couldn't decide on a background color for it. I don't know how it would look on gold. Maybe I'll try to paint a tree.
Work was okay today. I was in cosmetics then hallmark and then I went home.
I was sitting in the tv room and J comes in there and asks me to come look at Sylar, that something is wrong. I go in there and there was blood on the counter (here we go again with him on the counter) but J couldn't find where it was coming from. We looked and looked and couldn't see anywhere on him that it came from. He has sores all over him that are crusty from the fleas but they weren't like bleeding profusely or at all. And everything is always just crusty, it's never like a deep cut, it's just on the top layer of skin. But this was a lot of blood so it was very odd. I looked and looked and looked and there wasn't even any blood on his fur.
Also- HE NEEDS A BATH. And flea medicine. His neck is all crusty and I'm afraid if I put it on him it'll just hurt him. But what else can I do?!
I am so tired, I think it's time to get ready for bed. The dog is staring at me to take him outside. I took him outside last night and he just ran around trying to chase an animal.
I'm not painting my nails right now.
And I was going to. Instead I started looking up vintage nail polish. I wish I hadn't thrown away so many of my old nail polishes. I only have a few left. And I'm glad I didn't throw them all away. I found out that they can be restored.
I'm not sure about my nail art plans. My thumb nails are going to break too. And I don't like to call attention to my nails when they're short and/or different lengths. I don't even like to paint them dark colors right now either. I would just use light colors right now normally. But today is green. I'm not sure what I'm going to do right now. I want to at least have Christmas colors all month. Especially since I've been buying colors just for December.
I broke a nail tonight. I'm supposed to be starting 12 days of Christmas nail art tomorrow. This sucks.
I'm in the middle of a post but I didn't want to finish it tonight. But I had a few things I did want to post tonight so it's a separate post.
J made scrambled eggs for me tonight. And he washed dishes today and cleaned the counters and stove. He's also been cleaning the tub in the 3rd bathroom. Which I'm really glad because it was really really really disgusting. It has a clog somewhere and had been full of standing water for I don't know how long. We had no idea it was like that until P moved out and I was like noooooooo, who's going to clean that. And then I just ignored it and surprisingly J has been working on it!
Okay, it's time for sleep.
Moving sucks.
I should say moving out of a rental property sucks. And having disobedient pets sucks too. The cat THREW UP ALL OVER THE KITCHEN COUNTERS DURING THE NIGHT. Like seriously? He was just sitting on the clean counters and I walked in there and was like uuuggg and noticed cat hair on the toaster ready to fall in there. I started cleaning it and saw cat hair INSIDE OF THE TOASTER.
I have more to say but am going to eat and watch something on the computer. And hopefully while I'm in here, the cat isn't sitting on the counter all sprawled out.
This is awesome.
I have to close on thanksgiving and we're eating lunch at J's parents in Punta Gorda so now J has to leave there early to get me to work by 4pm. Even though I said I wanted to open. Someone should have said something to me about it. They asked everyone what one holiday did they want to work and then what shift did they want to work. I said open on thanksgiving. They could have called me, text me and asked if I would rather open a different holiday and have thanksgiving off and/or was I okay with closing. But no, no one did that. They waited til the last minute to even do all this too. The schedule was posted last week sometime and they only asked us about 2 weeks ago what we wanted to work. It's a major holiday and people travel and make plans in advance for these holidays. One coworker asked to open thanksgiving and said if she did she would work all 3 holidays and that she wanted to open because she has family visiting from two states.
It's also time to start shopping for gifts. I love picking out gifts for people. I like to get everyone a gift as close to perfection as I can get. And because of that it "stresses" me out. I need to start ordering stuff online too, to make sure they get here on time. And I have a reader now that I'll also be buying gifts for so I can't talk about those now. Lol.
I'm trying to write this and watch L&O: SVU and it's very distracting. One of the lines from this episode is: "Anything he does to her is an assault against nature but her not telling us that she fellated him with frizzle rocks in her mouth seconds before he went off the roof is a sin of omission?"
Like WHAT? Holy graphic script batman. Or something.
I am just going to post this and watch my shows. I'll probably post more afterwards. But can't promise what blog the next post will be on.
Life is interesting right now. I'll go with that. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. J's sister and brother in law came over yesterday. I gave them one of the glass tables. And said I'd talk to J about the others. We both agree they can have all the glass tables. Which is 3 less things we have to move now in January. We're also talking about giving some couches away. We only have 6. Lol. The mattresses and box spring will be thrown away. I'm pretty sure the queen mattress is smelly. It was in the house for about 5 days but then the house started smelling really really funky. So it's back in the garage. I'll keep the daybed frame. I really like it and it'll fit under our bed wherever we move to. We're talking about selling the pool table. We don't want to do that but I think it's time. When we eventually buy a house, we'll buy a new one then. But that's going to be a few more years! And we want to move out of FL too. Not sure what else we could possibly get rid of. I think that's pretty much it. We'll probably make more final decisions when we know where we're going and how much space we'll have. I need to take my nail polish off. I've been peeling some of it off. (Btw that's really bad for your nails lol). I wanted to work on a bunch of nail art the next 3 months. And I created all these nail art challenges. Then things happened and I haven't done my nails in almost 7 days. I think it'll be a week tomorrow. But I have so many things I need to work on here. Laundry, dishes, litter box, flea medicine on the cat I think. What else? Everything. But I'm not really able to do much. I don't have a lot of energy right now. But today I feel better than I have in the past 5 days. J already went to work and I'm stuck at home now. He'll be home in....... 9.5 hours.
Alright. I'm getting up. I can do this!
There's all the stuff I got from the Born Pretty Store!! I think today I'll switch out my phone case.
There are the nail studs. I love them. I didn't really like the nail polish. It was only holographic for about a day. Then it wore off??? It was still a pretty color but not what I wanted. Then there's a decal that I got in my mystery bag.
That's the Christmas nail art challenge I want to try. Maybe by then, I'll want to. I gotta get up off this couch!!!
What to do?
My car is messed up and I have two quotes from two companies for two different things. The total is a little over $1800. I don't have the money. I don't have the money to buy a new car. I'm not sure what to do. I like my car so I want to be able to keep driving it. I like doing deliveries too so I want to be able to keep on doing them too.
My pharmacy training is going alright. I haven't started any of the computer training exercises though. I keep checking to see if they're on there on my name but they're not. I'm not sure how many hours I'm up to yet. 20? Maybe more. Tomorrow and Friday are my hallmark days this week. But inventory is Monday so I have to count everything there. Sigh. And I never emailed the new hallmark lady for her to come to my store. Oops. I was going to have her give us credit.
Today is my day off. I want to clean up a bunch of stuff in the bedroom and bathroom. There was a bug in my room last night. A bug that I hate and so now I want to remove all the clutter so that there's not many places for them to hide at. Well at least not in my stuff. I guess they can hide in the walls but I am just going to think that they're not in the walls. It's the first big one I have seen in this house so I'm hoping that it's just a random one time thing.
I need to check our bank accounts and then I need to get in the shower and thirdly I need to start cleaning the house up!
I've been posting on Wordpress this week. I don't want to keep separate blogs but I guess I could have one for wedding planning and the other for everything else. Or I can just keep two blogs for whatever I want since I'm not paying for anything yet. Haha. If I did though, I'd go with Wordpress though. Lol.
Am I falling asleep finally? I have to wake up in 5 hours to get ready for work.
Or maybe one journal can be medical stuff only and the other one wedding and life.
I haven't painted my nails in a few weeks. I think a month or more? I've been trying to get the yellow to grow out from when they were painted green in July. They stained my nails and its driving me nuts how yellow they look but I don't want to just cover up the secret.
I want to keep typing but I'm sitting here and closing my eyes and that means I'll fall asleep sitting up. With my glasses on. Then I wake up 4 hours later falling over sideways and my neck is sore and my hair scrunch ice is still in my hair. I just tnjbjnbf
Yup. Time for sleep. That last sentence up there was typed while I was closing my eyes. D hhh
Seriously. Just happened again. Clicking DONE now.....
My dad's visit.
****this post was originally from September I think but it didn't publish so I published it on the 18th but it changed the date of the post.****
Now I want some. I wish there was a cold stone on my way home from work. I would be in so much trouble if there was one. Then we went shopping! We went to World Market, a thrift store, Publix (nothing special here just a sub and Gatorade for James), then to Target.
At World Market I bought some stuff that I had pinned on Pinterest a while back. So that was cool. I bought this big ring of big skeleton keys. I love me some skeleton keys. And I bought a glass tray that has 3 skeleton keys on it. It's in the bathroom on the counter and I put my jewelry on it, the stuff I change out daily. My dad bought two jars of two different kinds of pickles. Stuff he likes but can't really find anywhere.
At the thrift store my dad bought this model from the 60s or 70s. I thought he was going to resell it bc he said it was about 4 or 5 dollars cheaper there than online but he's actually going to put it together and paint it! He has a few already from the series it came from.
Then at Target I just bought normal boring stuff, nothing fun. Cleaner, sponges, blah blah blah. I should have bought a case of water that day. Oh well. Lol.
We ran out of water this week but J and I stopped at Publix on our way home from his PT yesterday. We bought water there and a bunch of other food. It was all expensive stuff too. I think it was almost $60. But I didn't think we really got all that much. Maybe I should look at my receipt or something. I work today 2-6. Yesterday was 11-7 and it was such a long day. I'm going to be trained in pharmacy soon. Next week I think? Not sure how my schedule is going to change or if it will. I might get more hours too. That'd be awesome. He asked if I still wanted to work just 30 and I said 30 was fine but that I would/could work more. Which is what I hope he meant and not that he was going to cut my hours. And I hope that he just changes my two short days and gives me more hours there for pharmacy. My short days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Sunday I work 8-330. Monday and Friday is 11-7. And hopefully when J is done with PT I can go back to working 10-6 on Monday and Friday. I hate staying at work til 7. Mainly because I end up having time to work on stuff for the store and I have to get IC3s and and give the front register a break.
I have a photo project in my head that I want to make real!!! I just need to print the photos. Maybe I'll upload them right now. I really shouldn't be spending the money but oh well. Sometimes you still need to spend a little on yourself to keep yourself sane/happy.
I had to get Kreasy out of the bushes last week a few times. And now I have this rash on my arms. I want it to hurry up and go away. It's embarrassing. Plus it's annoying when it itches.
Okay, time to upload photos!!
I hung up the measuring spoons!
Then I hung hooks up on the back of the door of our "liquor cabinet" to hold the oven mitts.
Then I just ran around taking photos of stuff I'm going to use for a photo collage/chore chart. Here are some of those pictures:
I'm not sure what the laundry one will say but I bought four or five of those white plastic mini laundry baskets. They're great for the dog toys in the living room. Then I use the other 3 that are in the bathroom and closet as holders of underwear, socks, whatever else is small. The one in the bathroom is for mine cause my little stuff gets lost and then not enough gets washed. When it's full, I wash it with the clothes and then magically I have enough clean underwear.
Okay, it's 2am and I am falling asleep. I was going to practice The Lord of the rings game but nope.
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